Great to know who she is, but it's not that great in telling me what she did.
10 July 2017
So I learned something simply from going to see the movie about a female scientist who discovered element 88 and attempted to sell it to the science society as a better way to help destroy cancer.

It's the perfect movie for this age of feminism, cause the movie is about a woman struggling in a society that looks down on her cause she's not a dude, yet the men closet to her loved her mind the most and wanted to see her success be praised.

Albert Einstein is portrayed in the movie. Different from the Einstein I'm use to as he's a younger man with darker hair. I'm guessing this was at a time when he was just smart but did not achieve anything, which is semi-ironic because he's use as a means to show everyone what level of smart Marie Curie is on.

It was much needed. The film does not really talk about the science only mentions that she discovered Radium and she won two Nobel Prizes for it, but never fully goes over why she was nominated, only a few sections on how her new element can help people with cancer.

The movie mostly details the controversy that surrounded her life that almost prevented her from winning the second nomination. It's based on a true story so I can't complain on how the story goes if that's how it happen. As important the historic fact of the struggle for this chemist to be her in a room filled with white men, and how it was so much easier for her to be shamed on for her affair with a married man because she was a woman, I think it would have been just as important to see her doing the science. We see her balance family and work (The scenes with her guiding her daughter (who would follow her footsteps) were great, but it would have been cool watching her do the lab work she did to get to were she got to.

That would have been perfect in a film like this. I loved how kinetic the movie flowed. It was all the same pace and never boring (It does help that Curie has an interesting life and is an interesting person.). Although I must admit, the tempo got a little annoying trying to watch the visuals and stay focus on the subtitles.

Very good for the feminist cause of today, but next time keep in mind that Curie raised a female physicist and we want to do the same and the best way to do that is with more science.

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