Country Crush (2016)
Awful Movie
9 July 2017
The movie started out promising in the first couple of minutes and then one of the characters broke out into song and that's when I knew that this was going to be a cheesy movie. I just didn't realize that it was going to get worse from there but it was too late to stop. There are a few things wrong with this movie: 1) The wife of the brother of the main character is shown as the main character on the movie poster. She is a supporting character at most. 2) The songs are cheesy and terrible. Sung by mediocre actors/singers. 3) The main characters relationship accelerated quickly with no development to show a deep connection except for one cheesy night at a small town hoopla. 4) Acting and singing was terrible all around. Had to fast forward or look away.

Don't waste your time watching this one. I wish I would have looked up a review first before proceeding to watch. I could have stopped watching midway but I ain't no quitter.
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