Review of Pilgrimage

Pilgrimage (II) (2017)
Reasonably well-made but boring
5 July 2017
First of all, I must say that I primarily enjoy movies for entertainment and elements such as story, script and even acting come second. This movie, although reasonably well-made, falls very short in the entertainment department and I found myself checking the clock many times and wondering when something exciting would happen. After reading another review on here that claimed the gore was gratuitous, well, I wonder if they were watching the same movie because there was very little gore. When I think gore, I think people getting limbs hacked off and blood spurting everywhere. Not much of that going on here so don't watch this movie expecting to see much of that at all. This movie might be worth a watch if you have nothing else to do on a Sunday and can handle watching a movie with very little action.
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