Pursuit to Algiers
3 July 2017
Pursuit to Algiers is one of the lesser mysteries from the Rathbone/Bruce Sherlock Holmes films.

With his proposed fishing trip to Scotland postponed as Holmes is hired to escort Prince Nikolas heir of the throne to a European country. His life is in danger from hired assassins.

Holmes escorts the Prince back to his country by plane. Dr Watson is to act as a decoy and travels in a passenger ship only to later find out that Holmes has also surreptitiously joined him with the prince knowing his plane would be targeted.

While Holmes and Watson are on board there is also the tale of coming into contact with some stolen jewels.

While on board Holmes protects the prince from various assassination attempts. A knife thrower gets a broken wrist, a bomb inside a Christmas cracker and poisoned coffee.

The villains are not that dastardly and there really is not much of a mystery to it. In order to fill up the running time we get to hear Dr Watson singing. Still an enjoyable film of the fans of the duo.
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