The Caddy (1953)
Timeless entertainment
2 July 2017
Wow! What contrasting views. I must admit to having a very soft spot for this movie. As a child growing up in Auckland in the 1950's,I first saw "The Caddy" at a children's matinée,at our local cinema,in 1954. Perhaps in light of the fact that I became obsessed with the movies from the tender age of seven and was easy to please,I loved Martin and Lewis from the outset. On purchasing the DVD so many years later,I discovered that my enjoyment of the movie was genuine and not just nostalgic. The songs are great .Dean does a smooth job of 'That's Amore' and 'You're The Right One' and his duets with Jerry are among their best. I just can't be critical of Jerry Lewis when he still makes me laugh out loud,especially while being chased around the store by Fred Clark or when he hands over a tray of cocktails to an indignant guest. His 'Gay Continental' turn is priceless too. ''The Caddy" and "Living It Up" are my pick of the Martin and Lewis vehicles,probably because they contain their very best songs and feature Donna Reed and Janet Leigh.
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