Monster Brawl (2011)
The Stupidest Fun You May Ever Have
30 June 2017
Some people take movies so seriously. This movie gets trashed by a lot of people - but, come on. Take it for what it is. It's not intended to be a good movie; it's not intended to be a serious horror movie. It's basically a spoof. It's a spoof of the whole WWE (or whatever acronyms are out there right now) experience, with over excited commentators (played by Dave Foley and Art Hindle) and an over the top announcer (Jimmy Hart as himself) and pretty (and barely clothed) ring girls and lots of ridiculous action in the ring - and sometimes out of the ring. It's not really much different than you'd see watching pro "wrestling" on television, and as a spoof of all that it's OK.

It's a "tournament" featuring eight monsters divided into two Conferences (the Creatures and the Undead) going head to head against each other. Ninety minutes of it is a bit tiresome in all honesty, but I have to confess (and I'm a wee bit embarrassed about it) that when we finally got to the final match I was interested in seeing whether Frankenstein or Werewolf would come out on top!

As Canadian movies go it's certainly not the worst I've ever seen (and in its opening it even manages to pay homage to the classic opening of Hockey Night in Canada.) I don't remember the exact words that opened the "broadcast," but they were a take on Foster Hewitt's iconic "Hello Canada and hockey fans in the United States and Newfoundland."

It's not a good movie by any means, but it does have some humour in it, it doesn't take itself at all seriously and it is plain old stupid fun. You wouldn't want a steady diet of movies like this, but there's nothing wrong with it from time to time. (4/10)
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