A tad alarmist, but extremely worrying.
25 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Having read some of the previous reviews which criticized this for being "lefty" then well, it isn't. It's about our right to know the truth about what's going on.

Peter Thiel brought down a news site (Gawker) just because he could do since he was rich. Where will this end?

What this documentary clearly and unambiguously shows is that without a free press then our sources of information are going to be controlled by the 1%, and the opinions and the truth will be masked by whatever political agenda that those people have.

I'm stunned by some of the negative reviews on here since I don't think that the reviewers have thought through the implications of what they're saying.

Good journalists report, dig, get to the bottom of things and then tell the world, so this isn't a left wing conspiracy to bring down the government. It's called journalism.

THAT is what this documentary is about.

I say this because that's exactly what some people seem to be saying these days: Breitbart and Fox News: Truth. Any other channel: Fake news.

And if you don't find that sickening, then the sense of humanity that you may have once had has just gone.

And I do appreciate the irony of posting this review on a site owned by the billionaire Jeff Bezos who also owns the Washington Post.
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