Hostages (2017)
Interesting true story from Georgia
25 June 2017
This movie is based on a true event that occurred in 1983 in Georgia when it was part of the USSR. A group of young people, highly dissatisfied with life under the Soviet state, decided to hijack a passenger jet and force it to take them out to the West.

First off, it is great to have a chance to see movies made it parts of the world with little cinema output. For this reason alone, Hostages is a worthwhile film, given its Georgian origins. The story itself is one not known to me at all but it is certainly an interesting set of events. It is a film which operates in shades of grey as opposed to black and white certainties. We do sympathise with the frustrations of the hijackers and their daily grind but it is difficult to condone their actions given that people were killed as a result of it; then again, the Soviet response to the incident was extremely heavy-handed, although they were trying to resolve the problem. The result is a more even-handed and thought-provoking film than might otherwise have been produced, although it would only be fair to say that it is definitely critical of the life that was imposed on people under the communist regime. The gloomy early 80's period detail is well done and the film is very well made. Perhaps the material could have been focused a little more sharply in places maybe but overall this is worth seeing for sure.
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