By far the worst movie i have ever seen...
20 June 2017
Idk what dragon con is but if this won the best film award i couldn't imagine how horrible the ones that didn't win are. Was dragon con created by the same people as the movie? I cant wrap my head around the fact that anyone ever has the slightest interest in this crap. I have never commented on anything on IMDb and went out of my way to write this in hopes that someone doesn't accidentally cross paths with this siht and ruin their day like mine was. Absolutely no comedy at all not even one slight attempt at a dad joke or nothing and the worst acting i have ever encountered. If i ever decide to go on a killing spree it'll defiantly start with the people that made this and the ones who gave good reviews. there's no question i will go down in history as a hero. I no siht 100% canceled my showtime subscription because of this. Who the fcuk allowed this happen? Showtime has gone to siht and this was the fly on the pile for me. What tf has happened to America. I can usually find something entertaining in any movie but fcuk me this was bad. Really bad! Im going to take 2 showers and god knows what kind of drugs to try to erase this crap out of my brain. I haven't drank in 2 months until about 8 min into this. I had a feeling it was a good time to start erasing my memory but it was too late already. I've never cut a movie short cause i think its only fair to watch the whole thing before i form my opinion but this one made me rethink my entire life. It literally hurt to watch i got a headache and the worst anxiety to the point i almost threw up. Im so baffled that these people still have jobs. If any suicide bombers are looking for some work i would suggest a visit to the fat nasty neck beards garage studio that made this. I would imagine the only good thing to ever come out of that studio will be the shredded body parts of its employees in a glorious blast of entertainment justice. I would rather watch my mom drown in mayonnaise than to even know this exists. Stop making movies seriously. Please just stop
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