teenage soap
19 June 2017
The confused meanderings of a teenage girl who is a spoilt brat and borderline psychotic. I suppose the film tries to portray rebellion for the sake of rebellion by an adolescent from a privileged world with colluding adults who are materially loaded and equally nihilistic and egocentrically exploitative. So, she challenges everyone's intentions and views whilst on an aimless, self-destructive merry-go-round of chain-smoking, alternatively smouldering and cursing, boozing until vomiting, screwing strangers at a whim, sniffing cocaine, to flopping wherever when she is spent. Quite weirdly, all this estrangement and aberrant behaviour doesn't evoke any empathy or real interest. Without wit or any development, the film fails to engage or provide any notion worth thinking or reflecting upon. It's a meaningless mish-mash dressed up as a road movie with no beginning, no direction, no plan or plot, no substance, no structure and no ending. Thus, the film is as self-indulgently serious as the main character. I found it unbearably boring and meaningless. Actually, apathy is so yesterday! Trying to be cool and postmodern it merely reveals itself as a pretentious, lazy, boring, time-wasting exercise. As the Romans said: CACATUM NON EST PICTUM.
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