Dragonfly (2002)
Good and not too spooky
20 June 2017
In Dragonfly, Kevin Costner plays one half of a power couple; he's a doctor, and his wife is helping kids in Venezuela. Sadly, his wife is in a bus accident and dies. (I'm not spoiling anything. This is at the start of the movie.) While Costner grieves and can't move on, despite his friends' and co-workers' urgings, something strange happens. . .

As the tagline hints, "when someone you love dies. . .are they gone forever?", Costner feels his wife trying to contact him from the afterlife. If you don't like ghost stories or post-death stories at all, skip this one. But if you like a little bit of spook in your dramas, definitely check this one out! I liked it, because I can't handle movies that are too scary, and Dragonfly doesn't ever cross that line into the horror genre. For those of you who like training wheels on your scary movies, you'll really enjoy it.

Also, some people put a lot of weight into endings of movies. Obviously, I won't spoil anything for you, but I found the ending very satisfactory. So relax, and go rent it!
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