Cyborg Cop II (1994)
Cyborg Slop Too...
19 June 2017
David Bradley has his second go around as Jack Ryan, an FBI agent or something who takes on a cybernetic terrorist, who is turned made into a robot for some reason. Cyborg Soldier is one of those movies that sort of just happens as you watch it. I didn't hate it, because to hate it would indicate that I had an opinion of it. Basically, it's Robocop, Terminator, Universal Soldier and Nemesis rolled into one. I loved the first two movies I mentioned, I liked the third and found some merit in the last, so you would think a movie that could mix and match elements from each would be a winner. It's not. David Bradley is blah in the lead role although the best thing about the movie, he's not nearly as terrible of a presence of say Lorenzo Lamas or Don "The Dragon" Wilson, but he definitely has less charisma than your Van Dammes, Seagals,Lundgrens and Dudikoffs. The main problem though is that it's really flatly directed. None of the action crackles, it should as the choreography is pretty good, there looks to be somewhat of a budget given the numerous explosions and yet nothing rises above the uninspired. Cyborg Cop wasn't very good either, but that one had a sort of distinctive charm, this sequel lacks even that and the film is dreary and unexciting. Die hard fans of 90s B.movies may find something worthwhile here, but for me, I found it dreary and unexciting. A mindless thing to watch on TV when you can't fall asleep, I still recommend sleeping pills.

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