The Recall (2017)
Nice Idea Poorly Executed
17 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"The Recall" is a sci-fi movie that takes a "been there; done that" premise and puts a different and new spin on things.

Five friends embark on a weekend trip to a cabin in the middle of nowhere for some fun. Unbeknownst to them, the world is under an alien attack and the aliens are looking for certain specimens, i.e. in the form of humans. It seems they want to create the next lineage of people who will inhabit this planet. This premise worked. What didn't work is what you had to go through from point A to point B. Saddled with people who constantly whine and pine about love lost and a Wesley Snipes character that seems thrown in for no reason, those involved simply managed to destroy what could have been a nice little film.

Now, for those of you who gave the film one star because a "homer" reviewed it and gave it 10 stars...SHAME ON YOU. Do you think this is the first time that's been done? It's called promotion. I never go to a movie because it got great reviews. Face it, it is ultimately OUR decision--after we see the movie--to decide what is great and what sucks. Was this particular movie great? Oh, heck no. The plot had some holes you could put your fist through! But to savage it simply because you are offended by tactics used to promote it...well, I think IMDb should have qualifications for people to meet before they can comment on a movie.

Rated "R" for language, brief nudity, and violence. This one is a tossup for me.
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