Biased propaganda with very little/no objectivity.
12 June 2017
The docu makes no mention of the US role, including PNAC's decade-long goals, and such desires for regime-change, and arming and aiding al qaeda (al nusra, etc). And including even being there being an international crime attacking a sovereign state. And including the "White Hats" being US and UK paid propagandists who fake incidents. For just one example, it's funny how America is all upset about protecting and maybe losing al Tanf. In Syria. Which they have no legal right to be in. If the world were proper, there would be UN resolutions against the US.

Assad sucks. So too sucks US involvement in yet another regime-change attempt. Thank goodness for Iran and Russia, at least in this case. We really need another failed state in Syria, who if had fell would be a haven for ISIS and the like? Well, that's just my opinion, but this docu didn't go at all into any of that. So, biased.

This docu was very light (nonexistant) on all of this. Assad is terrible and has blood on his hands. So does ISIS. So did Obama and now Trump.

This docu explains only one side of this debacle. I suggest anyone who reads it should read alternative journalists and facts. And also how early the West was behind this civil war/regime-change.

My review is 3 out of 10 stars. The other 7 would be had if the docu had actually told how much the West and its allies such as Saudi Arabia and Israel and Turkey were involved, including all their craven goals at the expense of innocent lives. The 3 is for good interviews and being well- crafted.

The docu is also badly titled. "Fall of Syria". I'm sure that's how the West would like it to be in the end--to fall into chaos and give more reason to keep hundreds of billions flowing to the MIC from a new terrible) this looks like it'll fail. And regardless of anything, I expect the US will once again screw over the Kurds.

10/10 of course if my review should comment on how great this was as biased propaganda. I'm very disappointed in Nat Geo.

If anyone only views this docu and thinks they now have a comprehensive understanding of the Syrian War and the various states (or from this docu, only ISIS and the Assad regime) actors behind it, they would be very, very, very wrong. This was light on context and specifics. Good on winning hearts and minds as if only either Assad or ISIS were the bad actors there. Poor showing. If not for the quality, it would warrant 1 or 0 stars.
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