Review of AmeriGeddon

AmeriGeddon (2016)
8 June 2017
No, it's not terrifying because it will scare you with it's plot, it's terrifying because you know that certain elements of our society actually believe the plot of this movie is a realistic situation that we are headed for any day now. If that doesn't scare you I don't know what will.

I won't go through the plot because it's your standard "global cabal of shadowy figures manipulate the populace and use the UN to take over the USA". OK maybe that's not so standard. You've got almost all of your alt-right buzzwords in here though! The only real surprises are that they somehow forgot to include Muslims as the bad guys. Oh and that they completely randomly and out of nowhere threw in about 3 lines of anti GMO dialog.

Should you watch this? Hell yeah! It's terrible and will leave you shaking your head and laughing the whole time. Bad acting, ridiculous plot lines, what more could you want? On the plus side the cinematography is surprisingly decent (for a movie like this). And there's a special guest appearance by Mr. Alex Jones himself!
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