Downward Dog (2017)
An Introspective Treat
6 June 2017
I am 4 episodes in to Downward Dog, and I must admit that this show is growing on me quite nicely. Martin's narration/monologues throughout the show are actually pretty insightful and beautiful in their introspection. What may seem gimmicky to some (a show told through the voice of the dog) is actually a glimpse into the mind of those insecure parts of ourselves that are always thinking, analyzing, comparing ourselves to others, etc. The theme that I take away from this show is learning to love yourself as you are, to find beauty in the person that you're made to be, and how to grow into your own skin. I'm definitely not a wordsmith, so I may not be able to as eloquently describe this show as I'm feeling (at this point) that it deserves to be described. There are definitely some laughable moments. The narrative of this show has been speaking to that nerdy, awkward side of myself that is always trying to figure out how I fit into this world. So it may not be for everyone. It's not a show that's action packed or has constant stimuli. But to me, I am finding this show soft-spoken, beautiful, and delightful, and I'm looking forward to hearing more of Martin's thoughts as well as to see how Nan's life develops as she is learning many of the same lessons for herself.
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