Twin Peaks (2017– )
Up to expectations. And more.
5 June 2017
First of all. I completely understand the souls here, who have given the show lowest ratings. Watching The Twin Peaks 3 makes no sense if:

  • you haven't seen the original series two or three times, over a span of several years. - You didn't like the original series. - You only saw the original series as a plain and simple criminal story with soapy countryside background plots. - You expect that in 2017, TV series should be downright dumb, plain, straightforward and super fast, leaving you no room to think, interpret, learn, understand and feel BY YOURSELF and for yourself.

It is not surprising though... we live in such times.

I thoroughly enjoyed the intro to the new Twin Peaks, slowly introducing the old cast, and slowly opening the lid over a 25 year long gap between 1992 and today. The first 4 episodes have made a very good impression and left me eagerly waiting for the next.

The original series has culminated in the revelations beyond a plain detective story. It has touched the occult, mysticism, parallel worlds, spiritual beings, secret military programs, the universal struggle between the good and the bad. It stopped there. hanging in the air for 25 years.

Everyone of us who have been curious about the fate of Cooper, his doppelganger and of course, the Twin Peaks society at large, expect the show to go deeper and farther into unimaginable, mysterious, fantastic, grotesque, weird, supernatural... whatever you want to call it. And there's been no doubt about how Lynch was going to do it: His way.

Now, you can either watch it open minded, with your eyes on details, clues, answered and new questions, feelings, new and old characters, superb camera and light, and ready for surprises.

Or, you try to stuff it down your throat with your eyes closed, forcefully digest it, hoping you will like it. But you cannot expect anything but hating it and s***t all over it in the end. Sady, several reviews suggest this kind of approach. It is usually better to leave the stuff you cannot handle, alone.

A plain 10 out of 10, for the big work, Mr. Lynch has done here. Totally polarized opinions confirm one thing: He nailed it again.

Edit: After 11 episodes, my initial impression has only been confirmed. The series has developed into an awesome plot of inter wined events, characters, clues; gradually building, answering, revealing, and always puzzling, mesmerizing,shocking, opening new questions. It is the only series in years, if not decades, that I actually wait to watch every week when it is aired. That does not confirm I am crazy or stupid or fake or paid like some of the big minds of this site would like to suggest, rather it shows, that there is a TV show, very much worth watching. For some.
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