The exact opposite of "The Blob!"
4 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was alright, but it was somewhat of an exact copy of the blob, but reversed so that it isn't as obvious. The blob is from space, while Caltiki is a prehistoric life form. Fire is Caltiki's weakness, while the blob is weak against ice or extreme cold. This may not be obvious for everyone, but for a sci-fi nut like me, it was pretty irritating. The movie unfortunately tries to fit two stories into one film, which many have attempted to do, but rarely succeed at. We have two problems to deal with. Caltiki, the creature herself, and a man who has been injured by Caltiki, who as a doctor explains may have been driven insane by the poisons of the amoeba. I noticed as well that the "Mayan dancers" whom we see performing a dance to ward off evil spirits, are most certainly not meso-Native American actors, but who actually appear to be African. In fact, the songs which they sing sound more like voodoo culture rather than that of true Mayans. Of course that aspect may not bother everyone. Was it a good film? Well let me put it this way, it's worth watching at least once, especially if you are a true lover of the classics!
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