Review of Evil Ed

Evil Ed (1995)
Don't thank me. Thank science!
2 June 2017
Eddie Tor Swenson (Johan Rudebeck) is a mild mannered film technician who is one day transferred to the Splatter and Gore Department at his company. His new job is to go through the MILES of gore footage assembled for a slasher series called "Loose Limbs", and edit it for distribution. Within a short time, the task has driven him insane and made him murderous. As Eddie suffers various hallucinations, one of his would be victims (Per Lofberg) realizes that he will have to play the hero role.

This viewer went into this one totally blind, not sure what to expect. What he got was basically what the ad copy asserted: an effectively gory love letter to some of the nastiest horror films of the 1980s and early 1990s. "The Evil Dead", "Re-Animator", Peter Jacksons' early output, etc. Horror fans are certain to be delighted, at least for a while. The movie has a refreshingly unpredictable quality (for the most part), and it does mix a healthy amount of surrealism into its outrageousness. After a while, though, it does lose a little steam, with the best material (like a WTF sequence with a hungry imp in a refrigerator) over and done with. In true slasher fashion, Eddie becomes a one man wrecking crew, making mincemeat out of the majority of the people who would foil him.

The makeup effects are quite fun. While it's never as truly over the top splattery as, say, Jacksons' "Braindead", it dishes out some choice brutality. On his way to becoming the hero, Lofberg takes more than his fair share of punishment.

Some of the performances are pretty straight-faced, if the characters call for it, but the ones who have the most fun are the ones who go the broadest. Rudebeck looks like he's having a ball as a horror-comedy heavy. And there's a respectable bevy of very sexy female cast members.

Pretty funny, overall, if never quite uproarious.

Director Anders Jacobsson plays a car driver; American genre star Bill Moseley is billed as giving a special guest star vocal performance.

Seven out of 10.
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