The Dumbening Continues.
28 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Starting with Roswell, The makers of "Unacknowledged" and noted Alien Enthusiast, Dr. Steven Greer, managed to connect together Nikolai Tesla, J. Edgar Hoover, Adolph Hitler, the Kennedys, the Pope, the Masons, Marilyn Monroe, Prince Philip, Werner von Braun, Douglas MacArthur, the Clintons, Hollywood, Star Wars in particular, the CIA, Deep State, Skunkworks, Big Oil, the 9/11 Attacks, and the Military Industrial Complex, while undermining the credibility of Carl Sagan, Bill Nye (the Science Guy), the Mainstream Media, and the entire scientific community, using a dizzying blur of old news footage (including a great deal from unrelated events), stock footage, shots from films, the obligatory canon of amateur UFO footage, and quickly intercut interviews with real government officials (often from 50 or 60 years ago), quick peeks at "classified" letters (all written in a blurry typewriter font), and interviews with enthusiastic crackpots, edited together in such a way that they could have been talking about nearly anything instead of answering questions about the alien conspiracy.

At one point, they mention J P Morgan in connection with trying to steal Tesla's secrets with the help of Hoover (I suppose it's not impossible, though they didn't mention that Tesla died mid-WWII). They didn't come out and say Tesla got his inventions from aliens, but like so many other "connections" they "discovered" in the film, they certainly implied it, then treated that implication as fact.

Their evidential video includes a SNL cartoon based on Schoolhouse Rock and a US Army recruiting commercial that was a promotional tie-in with Independence Day 2. As if most of us wouldn't remember that dog of a sequel and its lame commercial tie-ins with everyone in the world. But I digress.

They even managed to "find" a quote from 1955, when the secret head of Skunkworks claimed that we have the technology to "send ET home" a full 27 years before Steven Spielberg made ET. Near the end, they even told us the the truth could be found in supermarket tabloids.

And they completely ruined Louis Armstrong's "What a Wonderful World" for me.

For any incident they mentioned, the first and only explanation was space aliens or it's related cover-up, and anyone who disagrees is part of the shadow government conspiracy, to keep all the alien technology for themselves. I'm supposed to feel guilty for questioning their logic but, yeah. That's right. I'm part of a global conspiracy. I want a T-Shirt with that on it.

But the greater point of the film was to tie in the current erosion of democracy and the bypassing of constitutional powers and the very real black money conspiracies that plague U.S. Politics, designed to divert wealth to the 1%. All of these things are really because of the Alien Conspiracy. Yep that's it. The answer to all our societal ills.

I could probably dismiss this as rubbish tabloid entertainment, but this conspiracy theory insists on attacking the press, universities and the scientific community, and attempting to discredit them all. They question logic and knowledge. Their shrill insistence on an alternate "truth" feeds into the current epidemic of anti- academic, anti-science, anti-logic propagandists. I call this epidemic "The Dumbening." I don't mean to sound arrogant. Most entertainment is there to insult your intelligence. I'm usually along for the ride, just like the rest you. But this rapid-fire, blur of images and misinformation is not really entertaining. I have enough things on my Facebook feed to make me worry about "The Dumbening" of our society. I didn't need this and I'll never get that hour and forty minutes back.

Next time, I'll just rent MIB.
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