Seems like it jumped the shark by then
27 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Die Zwillinge vom Immenhof" is a West German German language movie from 1973, so this one will have its 45th anniversary next year. It runs for 90 minutes and the director is once again Wolfgang Schleif, who is also one of the two writers. The title here tells you already that this is another entry to the Immenhof films, actually film number four out of five and the title tells you as well that a twin duo arrives at the farm this time, but given the fact that they are part of the title I found them surprisingly insignificant in terms of the overall story. Then again, the entire movie felt a bit insignificant. Once again, there is some financial drama, some stuff about owning the farm, some relationship drama and some other stuff and honestly it is all really generic and predictable of course with the happy ending. I am not necessarily against "heile Welt" films, but occasionally it is just too much, especially if the actually dramatic parts are executed in a manner as shoddy as they are here. The acting wasn't too memorable either gently speaking and I just don't think Horst Janson is not that good really. Brühl also needs much better material than here to shine. I think it would have been the appropriate reaction after this one to end the series, but they made one more. Oh well, I cannot say I am surprised that key players from the previous films (when it did not suck that much) like Angelika Meissner had already left the franchise a long time ago. After all, it went on for almost two decades now. I don't recommend "Twins from Immen Farm", it is definitely nowhere near the best the franchise has to offer.
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