I Love Bessie, But Not This Movie
26 May 2017
When MGM decided to move its production into sound pictures, they took their time. They were the last major studio in Hollywood to convert to all-talking productions, with their last silent picture, THE KISS, being released in November of 1929.

They were already issuing talking, like this movie, directed by Edgar Selwyn. Bessie Love is playing Little Eva in a barnstorming production of UNCLE TOM'S CABIN in Kansas. The troupe is having a rotten time, with empty houses, because the production isn't very good. So, when they are stranded in Centralia, Kansas, Miss Love accepts a marriage proposal from successful local businessman Jed Prouty, not knowing he is an undertaker.

There are some technical issues with this movie; these can be ascribed to MGM's still-shaky understanding of sound techniques. However, there are other problems with the production, including a deliberately poor production of the central play. While there are some technically interesting aspects of the movie, concerning the problems of running a poorly-financing touring company, this one never exceeds decent and frequently fails to meet that standard.

Miss Love's starring career would end within a couple of years, but she would continue to play small roles through her death, with a couple of more important parts, like her role in Warren Beatty's REDS. It is a pity that she could not sustain a regular movie career, as she had real talent.
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