The Flash: Cause and Effect (2017)
Season 3, Episode 21
Some funny stuff but stupid too
26 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I hate time travel when it messes with history. So I pretty much hated this whole season. I hate when something that happens to the good guys turns them into bad guys or ruins their personality. So I hate what is happening to Caitlin and time remnant Barry. I'm a SnowBarry fan, but I pretty much gave up on that in favor of Barry and Iris. And I was kind of rooting for Caitlin and Julian. But now both those are ruined. All the techno-babble by Savitar and Cisco explaining how Savitar happened finally pushed me over the edge - this is just too stupid.

Specifically about this episode: Hey Team Flash - did you really think this memory freeze would work first time? Did you really not think it was going to be super risky? You know how in the scary movies someone in the audience is yelling at the person who is about to be killed - "don't go in there". That was me before the memory freeze. "Don't do it!" And then you thought it was a good idea to work with Killer Frost to bring back his memories?

Having said all that, doing that made for some interesting and funny moments. In some ways, this was one of the more fun episodes. This was some good stuff. I missed this all season. But that still doesn't mean I like what it took to get here. Or what happens next.

Cisco's attempts to turn Killer Frost back to Caitlin just reminded me how ridiculous her turning bad in the first place is. There is no reason why her cold powers have to make her evil. Caitlin is basically a good person, actually one of the best people on the team. But seriously? "I never did. I never loved any of you." Nope, don't believe it. Oh don't get me wrong - I believe that's what the writers made happen, but I just don't buy that it could happen. It goes against all the hope that Flash stands for.

So to save the day, Team Flash thinks it is a good idea to almost randomly shock his brain again. Yeah really smart.

So all in all, the stupidity outweighs the fun.
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