Affleck shines as the autistic Accountant with a dark talent.
26 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
My wife and I watched this at home on DVD from our public library.

I have always liked Ben Affleck and consider most of his harsh criticism unfair. He is a fine actor and it is in full display here as Christian Wolff, one of his aliases. We see from flashbacks to his childhood that his autism hindered his development but with a combination of a military father who taught him to fight his own battles and a clinic that treats those with a variety of disorders, he grew up to become a "high functioning" adult. And with his unusual talents with numbers became a highly effective Accountant.

His dark secret is that he often works for world-wide crime organizations and gets compensated very well. Although he has a house, very sparsely furnished, his real possession is a trailer he keeps inside a storage unit, it has most of his wealth, rare artworks, and his guns.

Christian takes no guff from anyone and when he goes after a person or a group is a very effective killer. Anna Kendrick as company Accountant Dana Cummings and J. K. Simmons as Tax agent Ray King, both get pulled into his world.

The topic is distasteful, a criminal Accountant who goes after bad people, judge, jury and executioner. But it is a very well made movie and the acting is top-notch.

DEC 2022 edit: Just watched it again after 5 1/2 years, most of it was fresh enough, my earlier comments are still valid.
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