Review of Baywatch

Baywatch (2017)
Washed Up, Dead on Arrival.
24 May 2017
Comedy is dead. Baywatch has made me lose any hope of any movie being funny in 2017. If this is the best Hollywood can do, they are done for.

There is no inspiration or creativity to be found. The idea is: Hey, 21 Jump Street was hilarious! What would happen if we did the same thing for (fill in the blank)? 21 Jump Street was one of the rare occasions where a TV-adaptation film was worth seeing, and ultimately, ended up being better than the source material. What was Baywatch originally? A horrible TV show in the 80's. It existed only to show off the glistening, bouncing, beautiful bodies of it's lead actors David Hasselhoff and Pamela Anderson. There isn't much material to make a film off of. That is, unless, the filmmakers went nuts and turned the source material into an absurd farce.. lets say of the Will Ferrel variety. Instead, Baywatch 2017 is a lopsided, painfully stupid, unbearably dull, cringe- inducing insult to the intelligence of the filmgoing public. Pain and Gain had more nuanced humor. Mike and Dave was the funnier Zac Efron movie. Let that sink it.

I might have said, "This makes no sense", out-loud in the movie theater about 10 times. They made a film completely out of action-comedy clichés, strung together incoherently. The big laugh set- pieces are desperate. One joke in particular is a genital mishap lifted directly from "There's Something About Mary". That joke is 20-years old. If you're going to be a thief, at least steal something timely. The cast might be the only positive thing I can note. They are all really charming, and sexy to look at, but at what cost?

I couldn't think of a worse film to be slated for Memorial Day weekend. This is going to be a long, hot summer of Hollywood failures.
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