The 4th Film in the "Kommissar X" Series
24 May 2017
This film begins in Istanbul with a private detective named "Joe Walker" (Tony Kendall) visiting a small nightclub where he is attempting to gather information concerning a large batch of LSD which was recently stolen from the American military by an international syndicate known as "the Green Hounds". Not surprisingly, Joe's sudden presence at the nightclub soon becomes a cause for concern which leads the girlfriend of the syndicate boss to order one of the employees to slip some LSD into his drink. Fortunately, although he is tricked into drinking it, he manages to escape before they can kill him and eventually recovers with the help of his old colleague "Captain Tom Rowland" (Brad Harris). It's then that the two join forces in a effort to find and recover the stolen merchandise before the Green Hounds have the opportunity to disperse it throughout Europe. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that I thought that this 4th film in the "Kommissar X" series was one of the better entries as the action and the plot were more evenly balanced. Likewise, having several attractive actresses like Sabine Sun (as the duplicitous girlfriend named "Joyce Sellers"), Christa Linder ("Gisela"), Olga Schoberova ("Leyla Kessler") and Rossella Bergamonti ("Jenny Carter") certainly didn't hurt in any way either. In any case, I liked this particular sequel and have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.
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