CHASING THE STAR: A Journey Well Worth Taking!
22 May 2017
As CHASING THE STAR follows the Three Magi (Wisemen) on their predestined quest, instead of the epic Biblical story we're familiar with, it provides wonderfully intimate portraits of humanity caught up in larger cosmic themes of power, pride, status and duty weighed against individual choice. Though the breathtaking scenery and some very nice effects capture an arduous journey, the focus is on small moments of personal struggle, often done in poignant flashback, as each of the very different trio comes to terms with the surrender of his own dreams (and demons) to embrace the sacrifice their faith demands. From main cast to brief cameos, the acting is top notch, earnest and emotional, with refreshing hints of humor. The decisions are heartrending and real. My personal favorites: The appearance of warrior angels (no wings or halos for these all business fellows!) and the slickly seductive tempter weaving in and out of the story offering dreams like forbidden fruit. My only peeve: The sound track, though appropriate, got a bit heavy at times. A thoroughly entertaining and enlightening film I would recommend to all viewers.
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