Night of the Twisters (1996 TV Movie)
Okay little tornado flick, but really annoying cast.
22 May 2017
An okay movie for a day where there's nothing better to do, if you're into twisters.

It's not a very realistic movie, but a least it does not go as much overboard as Twister or Atomic Twister, which are ridiculously unrealistic. The plot is enjoyable and in many aspects not that far fetched - as in how could things look if there was a multiple twister outbreak in a small town. The twisters themselves are of course a bit Hollywood'ish. They can do things a twister normally can't do, and they look somewhat artificial. That being said, they're still pretty neat and fun.

Now the worst part, and this almost ruins the movie. The main character "Dan" is the most obnoxious jerk on two legs. Always snide, rude, arrogant, constantly condescending towards his friend Arthur and whiny if things don't go his way. If it's a case of over-acting, the squeaky annoying voice or just a trait of the character, I don't really know. But he bugs the crap out of me, and everyone I know who saw the movie. The father Jack is portrayed as a Pacer-Dad, who would like to see his son become a great athlete. That's all fine, but was it necessary to make him a confusing combination of a jock, high school football coach, bench athlete and macho hardware store owner? It's all just too much. Other than that, the characters are pretty likable, but very two-dimensional.

Don't expect anything great, but it's worth a bag of crisps on a rainy day.
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