Combat!: Any Second Now (1962)
Season 1, Episode 4
A Tense and Dramatic Episode Directed by Robert Altman
21 May 2017
Sgt. Saunders and Lt. Hanley drive a jeep to Lore and while Saunders goes to a hotel to rest, Hanley goes to a tavern to have a decent meal. The nurse Anne Farell helps Hanley to order the meal since he does not speak French and they have a chat. Meanwhile her date and former British boyfriend Lt. David Woodman, who is an uptight officer, has an argument with Hanley and refuses to seek protection in the wine cellar during a bombing by the Germans. Later Woodman, who is a specialist in disarming bombs, is informed that a time bomb was dropped in the church and has not exploded. He heads to the church to blow-up the bomb and finds Hanley trapped under the debris of the church. What will Woodman do?

"Any Second Now" is a tense and dramatic episode of "Combat!" directed by Robert Altman. The plot shows how stressed a soldier may become after years of war and the friction between even allied buddies. There is practically no action scene and the conclusion is well resolved. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "A Qualquer Segundo" ("At Any Second")
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