Boardwalk Empire: Farewell Daddy Blues (2013)
Season 4, Episode 12
I fought beside him. You don't forget that.
19 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This was the perfect, beautiful but sad end for one of the best characters of the show.

I like the way Richard doesn't want to be who was before, although the circumstances are quite different and he finally failed, giving him the most beautiful death that I've seen on TV. He died like he was since the beginning: alone and full of dreams. I love the way the writers showed him with his "full face" and his beloveds full hope even tough he's dying.

I will admit that I've enjoyed the end for Gillian. I don't like her but I feel pity, but that doesn't justify everything that she'd done. I like that Nucky finally "admitted" that he killed Jimmy but was quite sad to find his body.

I think this was one of the slowest seasons, but the end was quite heartbreaking for us and so for Chalky: Maybelle is death in a way he never expected.

Although that, I enjoyed the end with Margaret and Arnold, and Torrio handing the game to Capone.

+ Richard's death scene was perfect.

+ Capone's the new boss.

+ Chalky's end.

+ Jimmy's references.

+ Gillian's ending.

+ Shea Whigham was fantastic.

  • I need more from the "Team NY".

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