Adaptation is not apt for sure
19 May 2017
Basic problem with this film that it just showcased the incidents of novel without going in depth with emotions. Screenplay does not justify the emotional conflict, turmoil and sweetness inside most of the characters. It just touches the happening then rushes away. You feel it at interval point very well. Love blossoms while playing basketball as it was in novel. You had imagined that male lead is very good with it but in film you clearly feels the male lead is not so handy with it. This is the first point when you get realization that your imagination while reading the book is going to take a bumpy ride. There is a good shot when Ria challenges a difficult ball shoot in basket to Madhav, which he achieves at last shot but neither he or girl are aware of it. It has shown on screen just as blink and miss way. I think if you have not read it then at places you would not understand certain things. Characterization is now well taken care of. Main lead speaks with same accent when he first go to Delhi for education and after being pass out from college and even after 10 month internship abroad. Movie has its moments but I certainly enjoyed more reading it. Movie was made to en-cash novel popularization but if you have vague idea about the climax of novel then second half of movie will be definitely a slow down for you. There are lots of thrill value given on pre climax but if you know the ending then you feel all gimmick unworthy. Approach towards climax is so loud, performance wise as well as treatment wise though novel has all in subtle way. Performance wise Arjun Kapoor is very good. Shraddha Kapoor is impressive especially in emotional scenes. Rhea Chakraborty is good in her brief role in pre climax. Rest all actors are unbalanced. Casting is another drawback of this movie. Music doesn't support this suppose to be romantic movie where romance lost in translation but somehow drama remains. Only 'Thodi De' track offers some melody and emotion.
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