The Flash: Infantino Street (2017)
Season 3, Episode 22
Potentially the best episode of this season so far
17 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
After dragging our feet in varying degrees this season, we've finally arrived at the moment we've all been waiting for. The death of Iris. But will Barry be able to save her in real-time after watching himself fail when he went to the future?

Well, we'll get to that. But first, in order to complete the speed force bazooka gun, Barry teams up with Leonard Snart, who he recruited from the 1800's, to break into ARGUS. Because Lyla is being really dumb and won't let them borrow a certain piece of technology to help save Iris' life.

This who sequence was really cool. I don't know how Barry knew exactly what time period to go back to in order to get Snart, but I kinda just accepted that because I like seeing Snart back. I missed him as a season regular on Legends this season and I really think he needs to somehow return as a regular on either Flash or Legends because he's one of the best characters in this universe and deserves more than the occasional guest appearance. Having him and Barry team up as a hero and anti-hero pair was pretty darn awesome. The whole heist sequence was pretty cool and I really loved the King Shark battle and the clever fourth wall breaking with that Jaws reference. Because we all know that this show doesn't have the budget to do King Shark complete justice, but we forgive them for that and enjoy what little of King Shark we can get with a CW TV budget.

The only part I didn't like about the ARGUS heist was Lyla. Her unwillingness to help Barry at the beginning felt out of character. But we went that route anyways, yet the show wasn't able to commit to that as we had the cheesy moment at the end with her letting Barry and Snart go free.

All of this finally sets up our showdown that we've been building towards, since Team Flash's efforts to hide Iris go complete wrong due to Future Barry tricking them. And I don't want to be the idiot to say "I told you so," but this is the ending to this season that I kinda saw coming, although I didn't know if they were going to be bold enough to follow through with it and actually kill Iris. But it seemed like we were building towards Barry doing his best to save Iris, only to be unsuccessful at doing so. Which is exactly what happened in this episode.

That's not to say that it wasn't well done, though. Because it was. First off, the realization that stopping Savitar is darn near impossible was pretty great. Everything current Barry thinks of doing to stop Evil Barry is automatically uploaded, if you will, to Evil Barry's brain due to Evil Barry being from the future in that confusingly awesome sort of way. Because, yeah, we created a bunch of weird time loops in order to make this all happen, which I partially love and partially am super confused by. There was an "Oh crap" moment for me when I realized that their plan to shoot Savitar with the speed force bazooka was bound to be a failure because Savitar had already figured out a way to stop it. That was pretty genius.

Then we had a really emotional death wherein I really felt for Iris most of all. The future version of this moment was probably a moment where Iris was blindsided as she had no idea she was about to die until it happened. But this version was tragic because Iris knows that her dying is a big possibility and when the realization hits her that Team Flash's plan has failed to save her, that look on her face tore me to pieces. This coming from a person such as myself who hasn't always been on board with Iris every step of the way.

Now the big question is how is this going to turn out? Does this show have the guts to keep Iris dead and send Candice Patton home to work on her resume for her next acting gig? Part of me thinks that they're not going to do this and that somehow Iris will be saved even though we just saw her die. Because, you know, this is The Flash after all and people have a tendency of not staying dead due to this time travel thing. But I kinda hope that they keep her dead. And surprisingly I think I would buy this as necessary emotional weight heading into next season that will help take this show to the next level. Which is funny because I'm still furious at Arrow for doing the same thing to Laurel Lance, but I suppose that is a conversation for another day.

Summing things up with this episode, I think this was an absolutely brilliant episode that did a dang good job at leading into the finale. The heist was a lot of fun as it was great seeing Snart back on the show. The emotion was high and the death of Iris gave me all the feels that a proper death of a main character should give. Now I have no idea how this is going to get resolved, which makes me happy because now I am looking forward to next week's finale. I'm not sure if the finale will be quite as good as this episode as this might be one of those situations where the second to last episode ends up being the best of the season, but we'll see how this turns out.
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