The Journey (III) (2016)
"A fictional account" You said it Matey
14 May 2017
I Looked forward to seeing The Journey ...But What a waste of time that was. This film should have been the monumental change in the NI series of movies. But unfortunately Nick Hamms jittery direction and lack of depth to supporting characters along with Batemans almost Monty Pythonesque silly script gave us what we should now call the Norn Oirish silly road movie genre. Ill not go into spoilers there were a few good lines By Paisley gags from Blair and McGuinness With the audience Feeling sorry for Spall and Meaney for trying to deal with this utter nonsense along with pop culture being Flung at us at every corner and sentence that Bateman could muster gently forcing the titters and groans from the faithful few. I then tried to gee myself up and wonder how I would have done this differently, the answer I eventually decided on was ....I wouldn't.... Hamm was given a dodgy script and tried his best to make that good and that was a tall order. They had a responsibility to tell a tail which changed the face of a country and they gagged it up and failed miserably.
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