King Charles III (2017 TV Movie)
Don't mind the 'Shakespearian' language.
14 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Previous reviews have mentioned the odd 'iambic' Shakespearian language, suggesting that it might discourage people. I thought it was effective, in showing the distance between the Royals' lives and 'reality'. And if you listen, it makes sense even to those who 'doth daily go, back and forth, upon the Clapham omnibus', as the Prime Minister describes the regular people who have always backed the Royals. If it were spoken in normal 'posh' English, it would sound like some soap opera, 'Real Housewives of Windsor' perhaps. Or some show about the doings at a big family-run firm. My down-votes were for the dim lighting in too many scenes, and the depiction of Kate Middleton, which, I suppose in an effort to give her something to do, made her a scheming political creature.

I would like to see the playwright do Edward VII and Edward VIII. The first also waited most of his life to take the throne, and the second gave up his throne 'for the woman he loved'.
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