Custody (I) (2016)
Well done and another great performance by Viola
11 May 2017
Let me first get my angst out of the way. I'm referring to the useless review contributed by "Da Rude". It should read "Duh Rude". Unfortunately, I had to read the review three times to try to comprehend what the point was. To no avail. You sound like you have a problem with U.S. Made motion pictures, the Academy, and simply enjoy griping. Do you have a personal agenda against someone involved in the making of this film??

Sorry, I had to get that off my chest. As the other people contributing reviews of this film have essentially rated this an average "9", thus far, I agree. I've not to date, seen a performance less then excellent by Viola Davis and this film is no different. She just has a way of bringing real emotion to the screen as well as delivering a performance that gets you right in the chest. Her Co Stars do a terrific job as well and I felt the story was moving and thought provoking. It is no easy task telling a story about the legal separation of a child/children from a parent/parents. It is, obviously, a very tough subject to tackle and one which many people take a divisive stance on.

IMO, illustrating the dramatic course one navigates from the perspective's of a single Mother, Judge and all the people involved in doing a job aimed at protecting the welfare of children is not an easy one. Custody" does so with realism, empathy, and humanity.

This is not a feel good movie. It is not intended to be. It is, however, very much so worth watching and I believe most will get a glimpse into the tough process this film tackles, and will walk away happy they did.
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