Star Trek: Charlie X (1966)
Season 1, Episode 2
Teenage Angst
11 May 2017
In this episode, Charlie learns a few valuable lessons that all young adults must learn: you're not as important as you believe yourself to be, your actions have consequences, and you're not invincible. Even at the height of his power, Charlie still has someone above him who causes his empire to come crashing down on top of him as all these lessons hit home.

As young adults, we often consider ourselves practically invincible, with no regard for the feelings of others. During our first years a freedom, many become narcissistically self-focused and act rashly, similarly to how Charlie is. Who knows how the world would be different today if we had a bunch of young Charlies running around.

One problem with this episode is that we never really find out if Charlie understands what he did was wrong. He gets whisked away by the Thasian ship, complaining of their lack of physical substance. Does he have the capabilities to become a changed, more mature man or will he always be this man-child who bullies his way to get what he wants?

This episode's a bit corny, especially when the camera zooms in on Charlie as his eyes roll back but it's still enjoyable to watch and shows young viewers the consequences of reckless actions.
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