The Flash: Cause and Effect (2017)
Season 3, Episode 21
Not bad, but we're dragging our feet a bit
10 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
We're at episode 21 of 23 this season and after we finally reveal that Savitar is Future Barry, we throw in another filler episode? Why are we dragging our feet here?

This episode picks up right where the last episode left off, with Barry talking to Future Barry. Then the two of them have this conversation where Future Barry explains to Barry who he is and why he became Savitar, which is followed by Cisco and the team explaining everything in detail to the others.

And it's kinda awesome and... kinda super confusing at the same time. I think I like what they said, but I also need to spend more time wrapping my head around things and figuring it all out in my head. This is one of those moments where the show gets a little bit carried away with the whole timeline thing. I think next season's big baddie needs to be more simple because they've done a lot of screwing around with the timeline and it's a little much.

At that point, though, I was still excited that we were finally getting somewhere with this season's storyline after spending most of the season playing a guessing game as to who this Savitar person is. But then we slam on the brakes again. Cisco and Julian come up with a plan to take away Barry's memory, which will then cause Savitar to lose his memory, but then it kinda blows up in their face when they realize memory-less Barry is a problem. Then we spend the whole episode trying to get the memories back.

This wasn't all bad. In fact, a lot of this was rather hilarious. Especially that court room stuff. And it was fun seeing super light- hearted Barry without the knowledge of all the crap that he's been through.

But what was the overall point of this? To spend an episode establishing the fact that the bad memories are OK because they shape who we are? That's all fine and dandy and there were some decent heartfelt moments, but this feels like something that we should've established in the middle of the season, not in our third to last episode.

I did like all the stuff with Killer Frost in the office trying to solve this issue with them. I liked the moments with Cisco and Julian attempting to remind her of who she really is. I didn't like the HR/Tracy romance. That seemed like it was only there out of some sort of CW requirement that there needs to be a certain amount of romance. And I didn't like our villain of the week. Even though I liked the courtroom scenes, I don't know why he was let out and I don't think he added much at the end.

But when all is said and done, Barry has his powers and his memories back and we are... back where we were to begin the episode. Now can we actually be done dragging our feet and DO SOMETHING in the final two episodes? The King Shark tease at the end was interesting. I'm curious as to how he's going to fit into all of this.
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