The Flash: Cause and Effect (2017)
Season 3, Episode 21
Hahah/meh filler ep
9 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Meh/draggy half:

  • Future team flash rejection of future time remnant Barry is why he turn into Savitar. But yes, Barry, make this all about Iris.

  • Just because it's HRacy and not Barris doesn't mean it's not a waste of time/nothing lost if cut. It's not the pairing, it's the shoehorned/out of place romantic plot. Every. Single. Time.

  • Is this attempt to retroactively have Iris fall in love with Barry when he was in the middle of a life-changing trauma supposed to be "romantic"? If it weren't for the fact that she was also 11 at the time, this would be CREEPY. Because it'd mean Iris likes seeing Barry traumatized and dependent on her. Oh wait...

  • Another pep talk.

Now for the good half:

+ Savitar jumping into his suit was just like in all the mecha animes!

+ Wally told Barry they're brothers. If only the next thing Barry learns is that he and his sister Iris are engaged, wasted opportunity that. That would have been the cherry on top of this joke.

+ S4 team flash = Cisco, Caitlin and Julian. Make it happen, writers!

+ Love Cecile's line about a supervillain doing this to Barry and Joe's answer that nope, it was team flash who done the deed.

+ A guy named Coolidge is going by the moniker Heat Monger.

+ That courtroom scene! Julian finally got to have some fun! By getting Barry to praise him! In a courtroom! Seriously, team flash needs Julian to yank Barry's chain at CCPD and StarLabs.

+ Poor Julian. Why do you have to be so cold-hearted, KF?!

++++ Amnesiac Barry scenes at StarLabs, CCPD, the courtroom (can we get CSI Barry in court in S4 PLEASE?!), CC Jitters: good gravy but I miss happy/fun Barry who's been MIA since S2. He made this filler ep more enjoyable than it would have been otherwise so it's just as well half the ep dealt with this.

Score 8.
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