The Flash: Cause and Effect (2017)
Season 3, Episode 21
Maybe This City Doesn't Need The Flash
9 May 2017
I'd rather not spend an entire review complaining like I did last week, so I'm going to try and keep this review as short as possible. Tonight was the 21st episode of the season, but you wouldn't be able to tell by watching it. When you look at where the team stood against Savitar at the beginning of the episode and at the end, there's no difference. Nothing in this episode progressed the fight against the god of speed, aside from an apparent Speed Force gun invention.

Erasing Barry's memory to erase Savitar's memory is absolutely something Cisco would think of, but why did we need a full episode of watching Barry walk around Central City not knowing who he is? Who honestly wants to watch that? It halts any sort of momentum that the show had after the big reveal. And the attempts this plot device makes at comedy? They all fall flat. I have been waiting and waiting for this show to capitalize on the cool ideas that this season has presented, but they seem to fail every single time.

Although Savitar was pretty much nowhere to be found this week, Caitlin made her presence felt as she came to Team Flash with a proposal, to restore Barry's memory so that Savitar can also return to himself. Does it make any sense yet why she has aligned herself with him? Nope, that hasn't been addressed. However, there's definitely still some Caitlin left in Killer Frost as she not only remembered a story Cisco shared with Julian, but her eyes flashed the normal color after leaving STAR Labs. The back and forth inconsistency with her character is getting a little frustrating, so I hope that will be fixed by season's end.

Since this episode had no point to it, there's little reason to keep complaining. All I'll say is that this season has two episodes to be saved. I'm not against Barry being Savitar, it actually makes sense considering all the chaos he's created since Flashpoint, but we need something big to cap off this up and down season. But I will never watch this episode again.

-No point

-Savitar absent again

-The memory plot device was awful

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