Fantastic....a film everyone ought to see.
5 May 2017
"Embrace" is an unusual documentary in that I wish parents would consider showing it to their children….even though the film has some nudity and language that are likely to offend many. Why would I suggest it? Because the picture does a lot to make women do something very few actually do….to love the body God gave them. Plus, while many parents might be in denial, their kids are very likely already looking at nudity on the internet and I think seeing normal women naked, like you occasionally do in this film, is a lot healthier than seeing many of these other women on the net or on television or in magazines. So what you might want to do, parents, is see the film yourself and then consider showing it to your children. Not just your girls (to whom the film is aimed) but your boys as well…as there is a lot they could learn from it…especially about what beauty really is.

The Australian actress, Taryn Brumfitt, wrote, directed and stars in this documentary. It begins with this mother of three talking about how she used to look long ago and how ugly and disappointed she felt in herself because of the wear and tear on her body after having children. So, she tried dieting and exercising and DID gain back a very skinny body…and still felt miserable! That's when she realized that the ideal she was seeking was really impossible to attain. What follows is Taryn's trip around the world to meet with other women who just didn't feel they looked good enough…and how they have learned to cope with the insane and unattainable ideal look for women. It's an ideal perpetuated by airbrushing as well as fashion designers who are apparently insane and think everyone is a size 2! The result of this is widespread self-hatred and quite a few who pick up eating disorders in order to try to be perfect.

Now you might be thinking that this film consists of a bunch of angry feminists screaming about how they hate society and men…but you get none of this in the documentary. Instead, you see a lot of very confident women who have just decided that this ideal in unattainable…and in spite of this they have learned to love themselves. You also, sadly, meet several beautiful women (such as models) who still manage to feel inadequate! The bottom line is that this affirming film does a lot to encourage women to love who they are and embrace their figures. A few of these ladies have even had serious disfigurements but have come to realize that despite this, they are beautiful. Overall, a very well made film and one that can do a lot of good. See this film with someone you love…or your kids (ha, ha…)…or perhaps as a whole family. You'll most likely be glad you did and there is so much to love about "Embrace".
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