The Flash: I Know Who You Are (2017)
Season 3, Episode 20
Enjoyable, yet problematic episode.
4 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"I Know Who You Are", seemingly the first episode to focus on Savitar fully, is actually another episode intent on pointlessly dragging out the Savitar mystery for one more episode. When the reveal does come, is it finally worth it? That remains to be seen, but for this episode, no. There were two conflicts this episode-one of which was engaging. Everything regarding Killer Frost was often engaging and fun, especially the spectacular action sequence in the middle of the episode when Caitlin goes full Iceman. Hats off to the special effects team. Though the conflict with Cisco didn't emotionally register exactly as it should have because of how underdeveloped Caitlin was as a character, but overall I'm positive on it. Joe and Cecile, It's uninteresting, melodramatic mush, that we've seen a hundred times before on this show. The writers seriously have problem with repeating themselves- it's becoming infuriating.The episode tries to convince us the two are in love. Are you kidding me? Cecile's got about 2 episodes of screen time, and they've only known each other a few months. It's just like Wally and Jesse's romance earlier in the season, once again proving The Flash is the type of show that repeats its mistakes instead of learning from them. This could be such a fun show if they focused on its strengths, instead of its weaknesses. It's as if Legends of Tomorrow sapped all the fun out of the Flash, leaving only the CW elements. Back to Joe and Cecile, who cares about these two when Savitar's out there? Of course Joe's going to tell her, and get back together by the end of the episode. Tracy and HR were more fun, thankfully, but still unnecessary.

+Killer Frost gets more interesting

+HR humor

+Spectacular action

-Reveal hasn't justified drawn-out buildup (yet)

-Unnecessary romances

-Caitlin's underdeveloped nature causes problems even after she's gone

-Keeps repeating itself

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