Resident Evil 5 (2009 Video Game)
Favorite of the Resident Evil Series
3 May 2017
The Resident Evil/Biohazard games are some of the best experiences a player can have. You're constantly looking over your shoulder to see if there's something behind you and not looking forward to going forward because you just know some maniacal monster wielding a chainsaw is coming to get you.

A few years after the fall of the umbrella corporation, The leftover biological weapons that the corporation created have wound up in the hands of Terrorist organizations.The BSAA (Bio-Security Assessment Alliance.) is formed to deal with this new threat. BSAA Agent Chris Redfield is tasked with going to West Africa to track down a man named Ricardo Irving, with the help of fellow BSAA agent, Sheva Alomar. When they arrive at the Village of Kijuju, Something goes horribly wrong - the villagers begin attacking the agents, and pretty soon, biological monsters join in. Also, Chris Redfield's long lost friend, Jill Valentine, might still be alive.

Where the first few games took place in dark, creepy, spooky environments, this game takes a more grittier approach - in a 3rd world country. and while some may think that it's not as scary as it looks, it's definitely not a place you want to be. Considering how West Africa had an Ebola crisis recently and every form of communicable disease will form in a poverty-stricken village like Kijuju. I find that to be almost as scary, if not scarier, than the dark, spooky mansions the previous games took place.

Also...when this game's trailer debuted back in '07, Almost immediately, people began accusing the game of being 'racist' due to the fact that it showed a white American guy killing African people who were infected by the biological weapons. But the game wasn't even close to racist. Even voice actress Karen Dyer, who gives Sheva her voice, said "This game is not racist, because if it were, I would not be doing it."

I recently picked up the re-release version of this game, which isn't much different than the 360/ps3 versions, other than the faces are more detailed, and the framerate is much more smooth. It also includes more stuff to do, so for $25 it's worth the purchase.
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