The Flash: I Know Who You Are (2017)
Season 3, Episode 20
flash big reveal
3 May 2017
killer frost was so good and strong but she couldn't carry the ep alone as the ep was almost a filler but was great.

Thinking wally ,HR even ronney being savitar isn't reasonable at all it is just makes no sense at all specially ronney who sacrificed himself to help barry in season 1 so why would he want revenge ?!!

if you looked at it reverse flash hate barry because he sees him as a villain " who is the villain know flash ?" savitar sees him selfless and evil and it is for good reasons

that reveal was predicted but was necessary and it was too good that they make us think of someone as ronney or wally or hr and didn't focus on barry only " agree that writers could have done better this season even could added clues to make you think more about other characters "
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