The Flash: I Know Who You Are (2017)
Season 3, Episode 20
The Future Flash
2 May 2017
So, we finally found out who's underneath the mask and armor of Savitar, the god of speed. Was it all worth it?

I don't know. On one hand, the reveal of having future Barry probably would have been more interesting if it was revealed earlier in the season. I understand they were going for a different approach considering we knew who the villains of season 1 and 2 were a whole lot earlier, but this felt weirder than it should have. I actually am a fan of the concept on paper. The idea of having Barry being the villain of the show is intriguing because he does cause a ton of unnecessary chaos while he's speeding around the city. But I really need to hear the reasoning for future Barry turning evil before I make my ultimate decision either way.

It's also interesting to think about whether or not this was always the plan from the beginning. Think about it, Savitar was once an all CGI-being without any real sign of practical effects. But mid- way though the season that was changed for a blend of CGI and a practical suit. Could it be that the show-runners once never planned on having anyone underneath the suit and then changed it to a more approachable looking appearance once they decided on Barry? I don't necessarily believe this is the case, but it doesn't totally make sense why the change was made.

Either way, the decision to have a future version of Barry is sure to be one of controversy. Ultimately, the explanation may line up with what this season has presented us. We saw Barry create flashpoint in the beginning of the season (in turn creating Savitar). Could it be that Savitar is the version of Barry that was supposed to exist if it wasn't for Barry shifting the timeline in the first place? Perhaps then, I would find the twist worth it.

It's funny, the reveal only took up a few minutes of screen time but I find myself talking about it more than the actual episode itself. Most of the episode dealt with the aftermath of having Killer Frost on the loose and Savitar's "plans" for her. The damsel in distress this week was Cecile, Joe's newly found love. If I'm being honest, I really didn't care for any of the episode aside from the ending reveal. It all felt like screen time being used up until the big reveal. The only thing that really stuck out to me was Wally's absence. That just felt like a complete copout to not have one of the two speedsters not on the same earth when Savitar and Killer Frost are still at large. But his absence really just made it more and more obvious that Wally wasn't going to be Savitar after all. And really, I guess there was never any real reasoning for him being the "Future Flash" anyway. Overall, I have a hard time commenting on my feelings for this episode without hearing the reasoning behind the big reveal, but it will sure to be something to get everyone talking.

+Ballsy reveal

-But is it ultimately the right move?

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