Princess Judy
2 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
** SPOILERS** I admit that when her death was announced, I was stunned. What the heck; I was nine (like a previous viewer). Of course, I was also stunned to see her fan dancing on Perry Mason.

Now, I don't like to be too critical, but I've got to point out something to all viewers. This series began in 1958, and a lot of us old farts watched it while we went through the last half of grade school and then high school. I'll bet that a lot more of today's viewers are seeing it for their first time. I'm not going to ask anyone to "understand" what it was like then, because it would be impossible.

What I suggest is this, though. Try to forget all the detective shows, movies, books, CSI style sci-fi crime dramas, lawyer shows and almost everything else you've seen in your life, and THEN look at this series. Can't do it? Yup, I know. This series was based on a couple of things: 1: Terrific acting; I still don't think you'll find better. 2: A new episode every week. We now live in an are of supposed erudition in which even ten year olds are more grown up than we were as adults. Yeah, sure. We are lucky if our favorite shows are twenty episodes in a season, some are only ten for a year...A YEAR!! with that much time to prepare for a role, top level Shakespearean quality should be the rule; (some of them almost get there, though, I'll admit). With this show, it's the norm.

I believe a little tolerance is a quality that will yield big dividends when one considers the fact that these dramas were breaking new ground on television (Playhouse 90, et. al. noted). I ask only that. It criticized rather heavily the idea that money, high birth, position are more important than others are on any social scale. All are equalized in Perry's arena. I think that's why I like this program so much; the Americana of it.

This was a good episode, if a little confusing; mostly because there were two actresses that looked a lot alike. Judy almost got top notice over Barbara (close, though). Look a little deeper. Must have been difficult keeping in mind who was who, don't you think?
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