Dear White People: Chapter V (2017)
Season 1, Episode 5
Worst Episode Yet
28 April 2017
You could drink yourself into a coma if you took a shot every time one of these characters complains about white people. Every single white character in this is either a full on evil racist or a complete idiot who means well, but, still acts like a total racist. A more accurate title for this show would be if you swapped the word dear with the F word. The events of this episode are more far fetched than Star Trek. I don't know anyone who actually uses the word 'woke' and I'm glad I don't. Also, the show constantly complains about cultural stereotypes, but, every single character is a walking cliché. The sassy black girl, the class president, the shy gay kid and the nerdy Asian girl. This show is terrible and I am quite sure the positive votes must be bots or something. Finally one of the writers of this abomination is a white guy. Think about that when you watch this condescending garbage. Netflix has gone full SJW in the past few months. They deserve to lose business over this terrible content.
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