The Void (I) (2016)
Love 80s horror? watch this
27 April 2017
I am shocked, seen too many "80s feel" horror, or so called, which are either poorly filmed or the acting is painful.

Just heard about this and thought "oh not another" but happy to say this is very good, its not going to win any Oscars for acting, the script is not Shakespeare, but what it try's to do it does well.

The practical effects for the most part are great, The Thing/Hellraiser type, on a very low budget.

Story is in realm of Hellraiser/Phantasm/Event Horizon, seen those? you will get my drift.

Its ending does leave questions, but also left me wanting to know more, and I would happily watch a second film if they stick to this way of making them, maybe a bit more money spent but keep away from CGI.

Overall I am impressed, they should be applauded for going old school and doing it well.
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