Killer Mom (2017 TV Movie)
Super villianess
27 April 2017
The minute I saw her appear on screen I hated her. She's that good. Of course, you can't wait for her demise but it is fun watching her do her dirty work. And she looks like the evil Queen in Disney's Snow White. Extreme make-up although she must take it off sometime. The movie is pretty predictable. You sort of know who will be knocked off from the beginning. You can see it coming. Most of the actors did okay, but the leading lady was fantastic. She never missed a beat to show her evil side and her phony side. I did think the little girl was a bit sickening. Sort of the whining type. I did like the girl who played her grown up sister. Feisty dame and good in the role. Again, LMN makes the males look like idiots and behind the ball when it comes to smarts.
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