Doctor Who: The Girl in the Fireplace (2006)
Season 2, Episode 4
An Absolute Masterpiece
25 April 2017
These were the days that cemented the 21st century Doctor Who as a cult classic and it is episodes like this that did it. This is one of the all time great episodes and it was not even a season premiere, or finale, or Christmas special. Steven Moffat shows why he is the real genius, not Davies.

The last episode was about Rose seeing a companion who was left behind and parsing the emotions that go with that. This episode is about Rose looking at the wonder in another woman's face who appreciates what Rose is living. Rose gets to think about that. And what a companion MdP could have been. MdP was a genius in her own right and her intuition is brilliant. Had she become a long term companion, she would have surpassed them all.

The genius of Moffat is in giving us a love story within the sci-fi mystery and adding nostalgia to it. Through the Madame we get a peek into the heart of the Time Lord. Despite the confusion and sadness and even anger that must be in that mind, she falls in love with someone greater than the King of France.

This is a story, which for Moffat, is relatively simple yet still filled with the Doctor's brilliant deductions. This is the Tenth Doctor at his best, and he is probably the only one of the new Doctors who could have made this connection with this woman.
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