More of a Mystery Film than a Horror Movie
25 April 2017
This film begins with a professor of archaeology by the name of "Jason Porter" (Alex Cord) discovering an underground chamber which turns out to be an ancient Etruscan tomb of sorts. Naturally, this delights him and his team but one local person named "Nikos Samarakis" (John Marley) is not at all pleased with the fact that Jason plans to stay in the area for an extended time to continue his research as his current wife "Myra Shelton" (Samantha Egger) used to be married to Jason and still seems to harbor feelings for him. Things become even more complicated when two lovers are killed in the tomb and their bodies are aligned to make it appear to be sacrifices to the evil Etruscan demon upon which the tomb was initially built. In any case, in my opinion this picture turned out to be more of a mystery film than a horror movie and in that regard it definitely kept my attention for the most part. I must say, however, that the plot was sometimes difficult to follow with several unappealing characters not really helping matters. Even so this wasn't a bad movie overall and I have rated it accordingly. Average.
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